Ariadne - Gefährtin des Dyonisos

3. Teil:    Ariadne auf dem Panther: Waterhouse

Waterhouse, John William (1849 - 1917): Ariadne (1898)
Öl auf Leinwand,  91 x 151 cm, Privatsammlung

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die Biographie findet sich dort unter »Articles«

Die Seite gibt der »Ariadne« einen Auszug
aus Chaucers »The Legend of Good Women« (ca. 1386)
sowie eine Kurzfassung der Theseus/Ariadne-Geschichte bei:

»Whan Adryane his wif aslepe was
For that hire syster fayrer was than she,
He taketh hire in his hond and forth goth he
To shipe, and as a traytour stal his wey,
Whil that this Adryane aslepe lay.«

Dieser Text liegt allerdings Waterhouse' Bild nicht zugrunde;
schließlich erzählt Chaucer auch eine etwas andere Geschichte als diese:

»Each year, as payment for the slaughter of Minos' son, the Athenians offered a tribute of youths and maidens to the monstrous Minotaur that dwelt in the Cretan labyrinth. Designed by Dedalus, the labyrinth was built of such complexity that nobody had ever escaped from its confines. Ariadne's father, Minos, the King of Crete, selected Theseus as part of the offering, but on his arrival at the island Ariadne fell in love with him and, loath to see him die, secretly gave him a spool of thread by which he could trace his way from the maze. Theseus slew the Minotaur and fled from Crete, carrying Ariadne away as his wife, but when they arrived at the island of Naxos the Olympic gods shrouded his mind with forgetfulness and he deserted her while she lay asleep.«

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eine Übertragung ins moderne Englisch hier:


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